The PhD Council consists of representatives from all research groups joined in EPS and advises the Board and Committees of EPS both upon request and on their own initiative. The PhD Council attends the meetings of the EPS Board, the Research Committee and the Educational Committee and contributes to (new) developments which may affect your PhD experience.

The PhD Council works in the interest of all EPS PhD candidates and it is therefore very important that all associated universities are represented within the EPS PhD Council.  We are continuously looking for new members, so if you are interested, please contact Hanneke Suijkerbuijk, Chair of the PhD Council of EPS.

The PhD Council collected helpful information on how to succeed in your PhD in this PhD advice guide. The PhD council also found this guide Managing your Mental Health during your PhD: A Survival Guide by Zoë J. Ayres, a good read with interesting information and viewpoints for different PhD phases. It contains chapters on e.g. mental health, self-care, how to thrive instead of survive, managing expectations and your supervisor, impostor feelings, the publish or perish issue, and putting your academic skills into a broader context. You can download the PDF via your own university library access.

For questions, please find us on PhD students or on twitter @EPSGradSchool @EpsPhdCouncil, or email us at

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