The aim of this programme is to facilitate innovative and high-quality scientific research within the research field of the top sectors Agri&Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials by engaging young talented researchers at the start of their career.
The Top Sectors
The top sector Agri&Food covers everything related to food, both the primary production as well as the processing, handling, marketing and distribution of food. The top sector Agri&Food encourages the development of new knowledge and innovations to make use of economic and societal opportunities. Twelve of the 40 most prominent food and beverage companies in the world have R&D activities or a business location in the Netherlands. The sector wants to retain and further expand this leading position. This concerns not only the production of sustainable and high-quality food but also sustainable food chains in which people, animals and the environment take centre stage.
The top sector Horticulture & Starting Materials covers all plant-based chains in the horticulture complex. It is a broad sector, with subsectors that range from vegetables, fruit and avenue trees to flowers and bulbs. Starting materials are products, such as propagating material, planting material and seeds in agriculture and horticulture. The Horticulture & Starting Material sector leads the way in the development of crops that are less sensitive to weather conditions or that require fewer crop protection agents, for example. The sector also covers companies that supply, process, trade and distribute horticulture and starting material products.
Both top sectors have stated that the availability of well-trained personnel is a top priority. The expected demand exceeds the current size of the PhD training programmes in the Netherlands. It is therefore vital for companies and organisations to attract and train talented scientists.
Invitation to Matchmaking with companies – June 7
MSc students who have written or will write a PhD proposal and would like to apply for funding in the 2024 call of the TKI Graduate School Green Top Sectors are invited to register for a Matchmaking event with plant breeding companies. This matchmaking event, organised by Plantum, will take place on June 10 in Utrecht at La Place de Meern, Meerndijk 59, 3454 HP Utrecht.
To register for the matchmaking please fill in the registration form (Matchmaking+form+GSU2024) and send to Monique van Vegchel with cc to Miranda Krouwers and by Friday 31 May at the latest.
After registration the registered students will receive more details about the time and location.
Preannouncement TKI Graduate School Green Top Sectors call 2024:
TKI Horticulture & Propagation Materials has published a call for PhD proposals written by talented MSc students in the Plant Sciences to be carried out by knowledge institutes that work together with one or more private partners (public private partnership (PPP)). One or more public partners can also participate.
Call for proposals Graduate School Green Top Sectors TKI 2024_NL
Call for proposals Graduate Schools Green Top Secors TKI 2024_EN
Application form Graduate School Green Top Sectors TKI 2024