EPS Theme 4 – Genome Biology and Gene Regulation

Maike Stam (UvA) and  Aalt-Jan van Dijk (UvA) , EPS coordinators of theme 4 invite you to join the yearly EPS Theme 4 symposium on the 9th of october 2024 at the Science Park of Amsterdam.

Date: 09.10.2024

Location: Science Park, Amsterdam

Registration: open

Time: 09:30 – 17:00

Organizers:  Maike Stam (UvA), Aalt-Jan van Dijk(UvA) and Juliane Teapal (EPS)

EPS theme 4 encompasses several disciplines ranging from genetics, to epigenetics, genomics, bioinformatics, biosystematics and plant breeding. Given the broad scope and the important role of genome data throughout all of plant biology, theme 4 is intimately connected with other themes. This year we invited Wilma van Esse (WUR) and Marja Timmermans (University of Tübingen) as Keynote speakers. Interested to join?  Register and we will see each other in October.


Are you a PhD candidate or a postdoc of EPS and would like to present your research at the Theme 4 symposium? Send an email to Maike Stam and/or Aalt-Jan van Dijk with a a few sentences about your research not later than 1st of September 2024. We will let you know a few days afterwards if you were selected to give a presentation.


Keynote Speakers:

  • Wilma van Esse (WUR)
  • Marja Timmermans (University of Tübingen).



Wednesday, October 9, 2024
UvA, Science Park, The Netherlands
Science Park 904
Science Park 904, Amsterdam