EPS Theme 3 “Metabolism and Adaptation”

Julian Verdonk (WUR) and  Ivo Rieu (RU) , EPS coordinators of theme 3 invite you to join the yearly EPS Theme 3 symposium on the 4th of october 2024 at the Campus of Wageningen University and Research.

Date: 04.10.2024

Location: Campus, Wageningen University and Research

Registration: open

Time: 09:30 – 17:00

Organizers:  Julian Verdonk (WUR), Ivo Rieu (RU) and Juliane Teapal (EPS)

EPS theme 3 combines two fields of plant biology that are intimately connected, Metabolism and Adaptation. Metabolism underlies the functioning of plants, ranging from the fundamental primary processes of photosynthesis and respiration to the synthesis of, sometimes species-specific, secondary metabolites that are responsible for an enormous diversity in traits in the plant kingdom. During the theme 3 symposia two invited keynote speakers and junior researchers of the EPS community present their research and give you insight into the metabolism and adaption of plants. Afterwards you are more than welcome to join for drinks to discuss research, set up collaborations and meet-up your peers.


Are you a PhD candidate or a postdoc of EPS and would like to present your research at the Theme 3 symposium? Send an email to Julian Verdonk and/or Ivo Rieu with a a few sentences about your research not later than 1st of September 2024. We will let you know a few days afterwards if you were selected to give a presentation.


Will be updated soon.



Friday, October 4, 2024
Campus, Wageningen University and Research
Wageningen Campus
, Wageningen