SPARXS: Single-molecule Parallel Analysis for Rapid eXploration of Sequence space. 

On the 5th of October, we will be delighted to welcome Prof. Chirlmin Joo (CHIRLMIN JOO LABto our BIC seminar series. Chirlmin’s research group is embedded in the Department of Bionanoscience at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He applied the single-molecule FRET technique to mechanistic studies on the target search process of microRNA and CRISPR/Cas and the single-molecule pull-down method to the functional studies of protein complexes in microRNA biogenesis and CRISPR memory formation.

The seminar will take place on the 5th of October at 15:30 in FORUM, room C0221.

Abstract: Single-molecule fluorescence studies reveal valuable structural and functional information on biomolecules. However, conventional single-molecule methods have limited sequence diversity due to time, effort and cost constraints. To overcome this, we combine surface-based single-molecule fluorescence with next generation sequencing, enabling massively parallel single-molecule experiments for millions of sequences. Our technique provides sequence-dependent biophysical and biochemical properties at the single molecule level, advancing our understanding of molecular structures and functions and enabling more accurate models in biomolecular engineering.

If you are interested in having a discussion with Chirlmin (highly recommended!), please drop a line to

Thursday, October 5, 2023
BIC seminar Prof. Chirlmin Joo (Forum room C0221)
WUR – Forum building
Droevendaalsesteeg 2, Wageningen