!Postponed! Benelux Metabolomics Days
Date: Please note this event has been postponed to a time before the summer break. An exact date is still being planned.
Venue: Maastricht University, Universiteitssingel 40, Maastricht
Deadline call for abstracts: 31 January 2020
Deadline registration: 27 March 2020
Organizer: Netherlands Metabolomics Centre
This meeting aims to bring together the Metabolomics community in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and we will likely have some visitors as well from Germany.
There will be ample networking breaks, poster sessions, YoungNMC network drinks and a conference dinner in the centre of Maastricht, all included in the registration fee.
Abstract submission for oral presentations is closed, but you can still submit an abstract for a poster presentation here.
PI presentations
- Roy Goodacre, University of Liverpool
- Pim Leonards, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Ron Wehrens, Biometris, Wageningen
- Margriet Hendriks, DSM biotechnology centerRic de Vos,
- Bioscience, Wageningen University & Research
- Ilja Arts, Maastricht University
- Benjamin Balluff, Maastricht University
- Robbin Bouwmeester, VIB-UGent
For more information, please visit the Benelux Metabolomics Days website.
New dates will folow
program will follow
Maastricht University
Universiteitssingel 40, Maastricht