EPS Theme 4 Symposium ‘Genome Biology’

Only for EPS members !

Registration: Coffee, tea and lunch is free for those who registered. To register, please use the registration form.

Route directions & map:
There is virtually no parking space in the vicinity of the library. It is, however, easy to reach by public transport from Amsterdam Central Station. For directions see: https://maps.gvb.nl/en/route.
If you want to come by car, the best option is to use the Park + Ride system at the periphery of town, which offers cheap parking (€8 for 24 hrs parking), provided that you can demonstrate that you went by public transport into the city center. Good P+R options are to park at the ArenA and take the metro to Waterlooplein or to park at Olympic Stadium and take tram # 24 to Spui. In the city center itself parking will cost €5/hr. The nearest parking garage in the city center is Parkeergarage Waterlooplein, which is a few minutes walk away from the venue.

Preliminary program:

09:30 – Arrival & coffee/tea

10:05 – Opening

10:05 – Maike Stam (SILS, UvA) Identification & characterization of regulatory sequences in Zea mays

10.50Nina Haring & Elias Brandorff (SILS, UvA) The impact of SVA retrotransposon invasions on the structure and functioning of the human genome

11:35Floris Breman (Biosystematics, WUR) A first step towards an ‘atlas’  of all three genomes in Pelargonium section Ciconium for use in horticulture

12:05 – Lunch

13:15Janani Durairaj (Bioinformatics, WUR) Exploration of fragrance producing enzymes

13:45Ehsan Motazedi (Bioinformatics & Plant breeding, WUR) Family-based haplotype estimation using DNA sequence reads in polyploid crops

14:15Sylvia de Pater (LU) CRISPR/Cas-induced mutagenesis in Arabidopsis DNA repair mutants

14:45 – Coffee/tea

15:30Siavash Sheikhizadehanari (Bioinformatics, WUR) Pangenomics for crops

16:00Miguel Correa Marrero (Bioinformatics, WU) Simultaneous unsupervised inference of protein-protein contacts and interactions

16:30Vacancy – please contact Maike Stam if you want to be the last speaker of the day.

17:00 – Conclusions and Drinks

Organisers: Maike Stam, Eric Schranz & Ronald Koes

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
09:30 - 17:00
UvA – University Library
Singel 425, Amsterdam