
NWO Open Technology Programme awards proposal from Leónie Bentsink 


"HEAT: High temperature Effect on Aradiposis and Tomato seed quality" is the name of the proposal that was awarded to Leonie Bentsink. It is based on a proposal written by Lars Barkermans under the supervision of Mariana Silva Artur and Leónie Bentsink and original submitted to the EPS talent programme. Abstract Seeds are the starting material of agriculture. Climate changes, especially high temperatures, affect seed quality. In this proposal we aim at investigating the effect of high temperature on seed quality. We aim at studying if effects of high temperature can be transferred to the harvested seeds by means of seed treatments. We [...]

NWO Open Technology Programme awards proposal from Leónie Bentsink 2023-01-21T09:16:40+01:00

Marnix Medema Appointed as Professor Holding a Personal Chair in Bioinformatics


The Executive Board has appointed Marnix Medema as professor holding a personal chair in Bioinformatics in the Plant Sciences Group at Wageningen University & Research (WUR). The appointment is effective from 1 December. Marnix Medema (1986) studied biology at Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2009, he received his PhD from the University of Groningen with a project on the discovery of new antibiotics based on genetic information from bacteria. After his PhD graduation, Medema worked at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (Bremen, Germany), where he assembled a large international consortium to assemble experimental data on biosynthetic gene clusters in [...]

Marnix Medema Appointed as Professor Holding a Personal Chair in Bioinformatics2023-01-21T09:07:47+01:00

New Theme 4 “Genome Biology and Gene regulation” coordinator


After more than 10 years as Theme coordinator 4 Eric Schranz stepped down. During the Theme 4 symposium in December hold in Amsterdam he introduced Aalt-Jan van Dijk (Bioinformatics, WUR) as the new theme 4 coordinator. Together with Maike Stam (UvA) he will organize the EPS Theme 4 symposium and will be part of the research committee. Big thank you to Eric Schranz for all the fantastic work he did as a theme coordinator.

New Theme 4 “Genome Biology and Gene regulation” coordinator2023-01-21T08:59:44+01:00

EPS Graduate Programme awards proposal of Jarne Berentsen


Within the EPS Graduate Programme MSc students get the opportunity to write and submit their own PhD proposals with a research group of their own choice. This year Jarne Berentsen of Wageningen University proposal was awarded by the committee. Jarne Berentsen, WUR (Coach: Emilie Wientjes)  "The interplay between thylakoid membrane reorganisation and photosystem II repair during high-light induced stress"

EPS Graduate Programme awards proposal of Jarne Berentsen2023-01-21T08:57:13+01:00

3 EPS proposals granted by TKI Graduate School Green Top sector


The aim of this programme is to facilitate innovative and high-quality scientific research within the research field of the top sectors Agri&Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials by engaging young talented researchers at the start of their careers. MSc students get the opportunity to write and submit their own PhD proposals with a research group of their own choice.Three of the calls were granted to EPS MSc students.     Indira Sánchez Bretones, WUR ( Coach: Marian Bemer)     "The impact of timing: unravelling the mechanisms behind inflorescence termination in tomato"     Fabiënne Gidding, RU (Coach: Ivo Rieu)     [...]

3 EPS proposals granted by TKI Graduate School Green Top sector2023-01-21T08:51:58+01:00

Daan Swarts appointed EMBO Young Investigator


Biochemist Daan Swarts of Wageningen University and Research has been appointed EMBO Young Investigator, which means that he is now part of a group of promising young scientists within molecular biology. Together with 23 other junior researchers, Swarts will receive financial support, resources and other forms of support for the next four years so that he will be able to establish himself as a leader in the field. Swarts’s group conducts research into the immune system of bacteria and, according to organisation EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation), the group has the potential to make a major impact in its field [...]

Daan Swarts appointed EMBO Young Investigator2022-12-06T16:42:49+01:00

Daan Weits receives ERC Starting Grant


Daan Weits from Utrecht University is one of 408 the successful applicant for the ERC grant 2022. His research proposal "Low oxygen, key ingredient of the plant stem cell niche?" was granted with 1,5 million euros. The project LOKI A lack of oxygen such as during a flood is bad news for a plant. But preliminary research by Weits shows that low oxygen concentrations can also play an important role in the growth and development of plants. He found that stem cells, cells that can still form into all other types of plant cells, have a lower concentration of oxygen than [...]

Daan Weits receives ERC Starting Grant2022-12-06T16:07:10+01:00

EPS 2nd year PhD meet-up


The first edition of the meet-up for 2nd year EPS PhD candidates in November was experienced as a good event to get to know other PhD candidates better and to exchange experiences and tips on for instance wellbeing, motivation, and how to keep track of your progress. During the workshop Failure Fitness the participants took a look at their associations with failing and making mistakes and reflected on why it might be good to share your own mistakes and failures with others. The PhD candidates were also reminded that trying and failing is a normal part of a learning or [...]

EPS 2nd year PhD meet-up2022-11-17T12:02:23+01:00

Berendsen receives funding through NWO Open Technology Programme


Dr. Roeland Berendsen from the Plant-Microbe Interaction group at the Utrecht University receives funding  for his proposal: "Sequence-based POTato Microbiome tools for microbiome-optimized potatoes". More information about the proposal: Potato is one of the most important food crops, but its production greatly depends on the use of agrochemicals. The plant microbiome supports plant growth and health and microbiome-assisted crop systems can reduce the use of agrochemicals. In this project, we will link sequencing-based microbiome fingerprints from seed potato tubers to the vitality and health of the potato crop that emerges from them. We will identify and isolate potato vitality- and [...]

Berendsen receives funding through NWO Open Technology Programme2022-10-10T11:21:25+01:00

Harro Bouwmeester receives ERC grant


Harro Bouwmeester, Chair of Plant Hormone Biology at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences at the University of Amsterdam receives for the proposal  "The Engineering of low germination stimulant production to control witchweed infection in maize in Sub-Saharan Africa" the ERC Proof of Concept Grant. Congratulations. The ERC PoC Grants aim at maximising the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. More information can be found here.

Harro Bouwmeester receives ERC grant2022-10-10T11:16:56+01:00
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