
Two VENIs for EPS researchers


Quint Rusman, currently postdoc at the University of Zurich/Switzerland, and Michael Schon, postdoc at Molecular Biology, Wageningen University, received the NWO Veni-grant. This grant (maximum budget 280.000€) supports researchers that recently graduate as a PhD student to further develop their own research ideas for a period of three years. Further information about their proposal [NWO] Hidden players in flower evolution: herbivores alter natural selection by disrupting plant interactions with flower visitors Dr. QS Rusman (M), Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University & Research Flower-visiting insects are believed to be the driving force behind the extraordinary diversity in flowers. Recently it has become clear [...]

Two VENIs for EPS researchers2023-08-24T14:50:57+01:00

Open Competition ENW-XS grant for Melissa Leeggangers


Melissa Leeggangers, postdoc at the plant stress resilience group of Prof. Rashmi Sasidharan, receives the ENW-XS grant for her research proposal. This grant is intended to support promising ideas and to facilitate innovative and more speculative initiatives. The proposed research is ground-breaking and high-risk . More about the proposal of Leeggangers: It’s all in the genes: Seed dormancy depth as a predictive indicator for abiotic stress resilience in plants. With climate change threatening food security, there is a high demand for developing climate-resilient plants. To accelerate this elaborate breeding process, the development of predictive indicators for stress resilience is essential. [...]

Open Competition ENW-XS grant for Melissa Leeggangers2023-08-14T20:53:03+01:00

Ruy Kortbeek receives Rubicon


Ruy Kortbeek , former PhD candidate at the Plant Physiology department of the UvA, receives the Rubicon. He defended his thesis in October 2022 and started recently his postdoc at the Biochemistry department of Purdue, in the lab of prof. Natalia Dudareva. With the rubicon he will will be working on the regulation of precursor availability during terpene biosynthesis in plants. More information about his topic: Defense compounds for crop protection In nature, plants produce compounds that help them protect themselves against pest insects, fungi and harmful bacteria. The researcher is investigating how plants regulate the production of these compounds. [...]

Ruy Kortbeek receives Rubicon2023-08-14T09:44:06+01:00

CropXR launched, NWO contributing 15 million euros


New institute to develop ‘smart breeding’ method for more resilient, sustainable and climate-adaptive agriculture The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will contribute 15 million euros to a CropXR research programme into ‘smart breeding’ of more resilient crops. NWO’s grant marks the start of the new Dutch institute, which will integrate plant biology, computational modelling, and artificial intelligence into ‘smart breeding methods’. Those will be used to develop crop varieties that are more resilient to climate change and less dependent on chemical crop protection. In CropXR, four Dutch universities and dozens of plant breeding, biotech and processing companies will collaborate [...]

CropXR launched, NWO contributing 15 million euros2023-07-17T13:50:27+01:00

Ivo Rieu has been appointed Professor of Crop Biotechnology at Radboud University’s Faculty of Science


Rieu’s research focuses on plants and how they cope with climate change - especially the increasingly frequent heatwaves. “Such periods of high temperatures are detrimental for plant fertility, causing them to produce fewer seeds and fruits. We look at the plants’ defence mechanisms and try to figure out why some plants can withstand heat better than others. The insights that are gained help to make agriculture and horticulture more sustainable and climate-proof, and improve food security,” says Rieu. He maintains that this research will continue to have great relevance in the coming years. “When a heatwave coincides with the flowering [...]

Ivo Rieu has been appointed Professor of Crop Biotechnology at Radboud University’s Faculty of Science2023-07-17T13:43:38+01:00

New chair for the EPS educational committee


After 25 years, Marcel Dicke (Entomology, WUR) will step down as chair of the educational committee as of September 1st. Marcel has chaired this committee since 1999. In the last 25 years he has evaluated and approved more than 1000 EPS TSP’s and certificates! And he stood at the basis of the EPS course programme together with the members of the educational committee. As chair of the educational committee Marcel was also member of the EPS board. On behalf of the graduate school we would like to thank Marcel for the immense contribution he made to EPS in the last [...]

New chair for the EPS educational committee2023-07-17T13:35:21+01:00

Four NWO VIDI grants for EPS members


The researcher will receive up to 800.000 €, which allows them develop an their own innovative line of research and to expand their own research group further. Volatile perception in plants Dr. S. Allmann, University of Amsterdam Plants under attack are able to emit large amounts of volatiles into the air. These volatiles can profoundly change the behaviour of nearby insects and plants, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. This project has the goal to unravel the molecular mechanisms of green leaf volatile perception in plants.   Decoding an interkingdom hybrid chemical language (DECODE). Dr. L.M. Dong, University of Amsterdam Organisms [...]

Four NWO VIDI grants for EPS members2023-07-17T13:25:38+01:00

Vote for Klokhuis Science Prize 2023


The Seed lab (Plant Physiology, WUR) was nominated for the Klokhuis Science Prize 2023. You can vote and make them the winner and thereby ensure an episode about seed germination.  

Vote for Klokhuis Science Prize 20232023-02-28T11:53:00+01:00

NWO Open Competition grant for Emilie Wientjes


  Wientjes receives the M-grant of the NWO Open Competition Domain Science. M-grants are intended for realising curiosity-driven, fundamental research of high quality and/or scientific urgency.   Mapping photosynthetic light harvesting and light acclimation in three dimensions Dr. Emilie Wientjes (WUR) Revealing photosynthetic regulation at the nanoscale - Plants and algae use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars. The light is harvested in a heavy folded membrane, called the thylakoid, that sits inside the chloroplast. What the 3D structure of the thylakoid membrane is and how this structure can change under the influence of light is thus [...]

NWO Open Competition grant for Emilie Wientjes2023-01-21T09:33:12+01:00

NWO awards three consortia focusing on crop resilience and human and animal health


  Microorganisms are important for crop resilience and human and animal health. Possible adaptation of this so-called microbiome offers great opportunities for society. After all, this microbiome performs important functions in terms of protection against pathogens, nutrient availability and digestion of food. The three awarded projects will provide more insight into the microbiome as a whole, its function in soil or in agriculture and horticulture, and its transmission to humans and animals. The three consortia will investigate the effects of the soil microbiome on human health, the potential to grow better crops after microbiome adaptations, and exploiting peptide-producing microbiota for [...]

NWO awards three consortia focusing on crop resilience and human and animal health2023-01-21T09:21:18+01:00
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